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    视频数: 0 个视频类别:[地质遗迹]更新时间:2016.12.31



    九花台景区面积约10km2,以奇峰怪石、云海雾凇、花的海洋而著称,是九华山地质公园核心景区之一,是典型的高山游览区,其中中峰(大花台)海拔1299m。2014年,九华山地质公园被评为“中国最美地质公园”,花台景区是该称号的直观体现。景区是观察九华山“峰-丘-盆”地貌结构、认识花岗岩地貌和九华山断裂构造的最佳场所,是展示地质公园生态多样性以及自然风貌的主要区域。 景区的核心游览路线全长2.5km,其中1.3km为高空栈道,沿途奇峰突兀,松石乖巧。每年5月,该区山花遍布,游人如织。 Huatai Scenic Area covers an area of about 10km2. It is famous for strange peaks and peculiar stones, sea of clouds, rimes and sea of flowers. It is one of the core scenic areas of Jiuhuashan Geopark and typical alpine tour area. The altitude of Zhongfeng (Big Huatai) is 1299 m. In 2014, Jiuhuashan Geopark has been awarded as “The Most Beautiful Geopark in China”. Huatai Scenic Area is the representative of this title, a good place for observing the “mountain-hill-basin” geomorphological structure in Jiuhuashan and understanding the granite landform and Jiuhuashan Fault, it is also a main area for displaying the ecological diversity and natural scenery of Jiuhuashan Geopark. The core tour route of Huatai Scenic Area is 2.5 km long, of which 1.3 km is a high-altitude gallery road. There are grotesque peaks, strange stones and pines along the way. This area is full of flowers in May every year.

  • 花台景区简介-----


    九花台景区面积约10km2,以奇峰怪石、云海雾凇、花的海洋而著称,是九华山地质公园核心景区之一,是典型的高山游览区,其中中峰(大花台)海拔1299m。2014年,九华山地质公园被评为“中国最美地质公园”,花台景区是该称号的直观体现。景区是观察九华山“峰-丘-盆”地貌结构、认识花岗岩地貌和九华山断裂构造的最佳场所,是展示地质公园生态多样性以及自然风貌的主要区域。 景区的核心游览路线全长2.5km,其中1.3km为高空栈道,沿途奇峰突兀,松石乖巧。每年5月,该区山花遍布,游人如织。 Huatai Scenic Area covers an area of about 10km2. It is famous for strange peaks and peculiar stones, sea of clouds, rimes and sea of flowers. It is one of the core scenic areas of Jiuhuashan Geopark and typical alpine tour area. The altitude of Zhongfeng (Big Huatai) is 1299 m. In 2014, Jiuhuashan Geopark has been awarded as “The Most Beautiful Geopark in China”. Huatai Scenic Area is the representative of this title, a good place for observing the “mountain-hill-basin” geomorphological structure in Jiuhuashan and understanding the granite landform and Jiuhuashan Fault, it is also a main area for displaying the ecological diversity and natural scenery of Jiuhuashan Geopark. The core tour route of Huatai Scenic Area is 2.5 km long, of which 1.3 km is a high-altitude gallery road. There are grotesque peaks, strange stones and pines along the way. This area is full of flowers in May every year.

    HOT 播放1012次


    视频数:0 个音频类别:[地质遗迹]更新时间:2016.12.31


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